
Happy April Fool's Day!

So, I used to prank people all the time, but after Carly organized her little "intervention" I was forced to quit. But just because I'm NOT pulling practical jokes any more, doesn't mean I don't still want to. So I asked Socko's cousin Josh, who is a "Professional Pranker", if he'd handle all of my pranking needs this year. The dude charged me $500. I handed him the money and my list of shenanigans. Here they are:
1) Fill the entire Bushwell Plaza lobby with chocolate sauce -- like a big fondue pot.
2) Make Gibby believe he doesn't exist.
3) Fill Sam's toothpaste tube with unsalted butter.
4) Move Carly's entire room onto the roof of our building.
5) Release 1,000 centipedes into the Benson's apartment.

But it turned out Josh took my money and ran off to South Beach. So I was FORCED to do ALL the pranks myself! (Well, no one really FORCED me, I just really wanted to do it.) Carly is so mad. I'm in so much trouble... but it was worth it!

The King of Pranks!!!!
Oh, and CLICK HERE if you want to see that video of me getting pranky!

Overheard at the Gibson's

Hey Carly here,
So I had to go over to Gibby's house the other day to work on a school project.  And I'm not saying that the Gibson family is strange or anything, but let's just says there are things going on there that are not normal.
Here are just a few of the gems I overheard...
"Gibby's stuck in the dishwasher again."
"Guppy! That is not a toilet!"
"Oh yeah Mom? Well, at least I never dated Spencer."
"Guppy can balance anything in this house on his head. Show 'em, Gup."!
"At the Gibson's, every day is Hot Pants Day!"
"You cannot eat butter with a fork, Guppy!"
"It's tank top time!"
"Hey, who erased Victorious from my DVR?!"
And of course a night at the Gibson's isn't complete unless you hear "Happy Birthday" about 137 times. Guppy's gotta get a new catchphrase fast.

iCarly Update!!!

There's always so much going on here at iCarly that sometimes we forget to keep ya informed. So here it is... a little segment I like to call "Stuff We Forgot To Tell You, But We Are Telling You Now." What? If you want a funnier title, you'll have to get it from the girls. I'm just the camera man.
Lewbert and Nora are dating?!?! Now, this came from Gibby so who knows if it's true or not... But I did hear she moved to Seattle last year for college (which is kinda scary)!
Well no one has announced baby news lately, but we did find this picture on the internet of Andre from Victorious pregnant?!?

Pam Puckett was arrested for starting a riot! She announced that I was dating her daughter (which I'm NOT) in order to get a discount at the Pear Store and a bunch of crazy Creddie fans went bananas!
Miss Briggs and a Randy Jackson impersonator got engaged while watching America Sings last Thursday! The wedding will be held at Ryan Seacrest's house while he's away on vacation.
iCarly was nominated for a KCA award and if you're reading this and you haven't voted multiple times today, you've got a lot of work ahead of you. Vote now and all day long -- ya gotta vote for every category for your vote to count!! CLICK HERE TO VOTE NOW!

How to Catch a Leprechaun!

Many people have been asking me how to catch a leprechaun. Maybe because it's St. Patrick's Day next week. But maybe not. I don't know. Anyway, here are my tips on how to do it:
1. Leprechauns hang out with unicorns and fairies. So if you see any of those things, you're really close to finding one.
2. If you DO spot a pack of leprechauns, don't take your eyes off 'em. They're known for stealing your underpants and disappearing.
3. Figure out what you want to wish for BEFORE you catch your leprechaun. I already know my #1 wish: I want laser hair removal on my big toe.
4. Leprechauns love Fish and Chips, so use it to lure them in. T-Bo makes a Fish and Chips smoothie that humans hate but leprechauns can't resist.
5. Not all short people wearing green are leprechauns. Once I THOUGHT I caught a leprechaun but it was just Guppy in a top hat.

Wishin' you the luck o' the Irish!

My "Late For School" Excuses

Yo, Sam here with another THRILLING blog for you guys! Just thought I'd share some excuses I've used over the years for being late to school. BTW, They all worked! Good luck, slackers. If you get in trouble... it's not my fault.
1. "My dog ate my mom's car keys." (This one's funny because I don't have a dog and my mom's driver's license was revoked.)
2. "A crocodile escaped from the zoo and bit off two of my toes. I was getting them re-attached."
3. "The President called. He wanted me to pick up his dog from daycare and bring it to The White House. So I did."
4. "My scooter ran out of gas." (Cuz really who is going to question that?)
5. "I fell asleep on a bench outside of BF Wangs -- Chinese food makes me sleepy."
6. "I was receiving a medal of honor for something very important which I cannot tell you about."
7. "I was mobbed by a bunch of angry Squirrel Scouts cuz I forgot to pay for my Fudge Balls. Those little brats are NOT messin' around."
8. "I was helping an old lady cross the street -- She took FOREVER!"
9. "I got stuck behind a sweaty biker wearing tight, white biker pants. I had to stop and vomit."
10. "My alarm clock broke" -- which was true, but what I didn't tell my teacher is that it broke because I threw it at the wall when it went off.